I am Starting a Seerah Series. Here is How its Going to Work.

I am Starting a Seerah Series. Here is How its Going to Work.

Praise be to Allah.

I am starting a Seerah series for this blog. I bought the famous Biography of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, The Sealed Nectar (Ar Raheequl Makhtum) a while ago.

I started out reading it but in between life got in the way and I couldn't build the habit again. The idea is, by sharing my learnings, I will maintain somewhat of a consistent cadence.

The Book!

Every week (Insha Allah) I will write something I find interesting or something I want to expand on further.

A very important disclaimer to remember is that I am just a very weak student of Knowledge. I am only going to share whatever I learn from the book. Do not consider anything I write a scholarly opinion.

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